Thursday, June 16, 2016

Appearances, Appearances

I consider it a priority in my line of work to look tidy and smell clean.

If you're as busy as I am, you may have shortcuts like I do. For example, I keep little teeth flossers and gum in my car...can you guess why? If I have no time to brush my teeth, I'll rinse with my water bottle, floss, then chew gum for a few minutes - but not too long because my TMJ with start bothering me.

Deodorant has been a problem. I always want to go with healthy and natural but no matter what they say, it doesn't work! I broke down and bought three antiperspirant deodorants. Now I smell fabulous all the time - if I don't forget it! That's why I bought three: one in my purse, one in my bathroom and one in my gym bag so that if I forget, it'll be on hand somewhere.

Unfortunately, I have problems with gas and it's too much work to try to figure out why and to change it. I just do my best to balance unhealthy food with healthy food. Sooo yeeaahh.

I have allergies so my nose is usually a little stuffy. Thanks to my family for making me self-conscious about my breathing. Plus apparently there's a sexual connotation to deep breathing, even though it's actually very good for you and everyone should be doing it all the time!

So let's just say I'm really insecure about my clients hearing me breath. I know, it's a silly phobia - I'm working on it. BUT I just got a new cd player that won't skip and leave us in awkward silence, plus I got a little fan for white noise to fill in the gaps.

So these are the little things that make my life interesting.

What is it like for you as a massage therapist trying to juggle all the important stuff?

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